Tristana Yoga UK was founded in 2018 whilst we were all studying ashtanga yoga in India. We originally met through our ashtanga yoga practise in 2015 and subsequently became firm friends through a teachers mentoring program with the wonderful Julee Yew-Crijns. Our shared passion for yoga and inspiring skill mix enables us to offer unique classes and retreats. Our whole is therefore so much greater than the sum of our
parts - shared minds and experiences enable shared growth. We all love to collaborate and provide a sense of shared community to our classes. The power of any practise is exponentially increased in a group environment of energy exchange - fulfilling the human need for shared experience. First and foremost our mission is to facilitate a warm, inspiring, healing and oh so very human environment where we can all find YOGA.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”